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FAQ & More!
How does it work? Penny coordinates with models, hair & makeup, gowns, flowers, cake, stationery, reception tables, a beautiful venue, etc... the whole nine!) for photographers to capture beautiful details and portfolio worthy images. Of course, photographers at the shoots are welcome (& encouraged) to submit their photos for publication and use them to help build up their brand, Penny will even help you with this!
As a photography novice or even a seasoned pro - we all need fresh beautiful images of current trends and designs to show to potential clients. What better way to attract the client you desire than by having inspirational images that they are drawn to? ​
The Fine Print: We only allow a max of 15 photographers at each shoot to allow ample time for each person to get plenty of images. Photographers will be broken into small groups and will rotate (generally in 45 min increments) shooting different details of the setup. The cost for each photographer varies based on location and spots will be given on a first come, first serve basis.
What if I'm Not a Photographer? Would you like to collaborate on one of these amazing styled shoots? Shoot us an email with your location and what kind of wedding related service or product you offer and we will connect :) We always need fabulous vendors to participate - AND - who doesn't need images of their work from 15 photographers with the possibility of several publications and lots of social media love?
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